Palma - Manacor Highway
Better connecting the tourists and the locals of this paradise while meeting the highest standards of safety and quality
Shared Value
Value for Society
This highway connects the two main cities in the island, stimulating both commerce and tourism.
Value for Shareholders
A demand-risk mitigating mechanism provides stability along strong and solid revenue.
Value for People
It’s the only high-capacity road between the two cities, reducing accidents and saving users time.
Mallorca Island Council (Consell Insular de Mallorca)
Start/End of Operation
2007 - 2042
Remuneration Scheme
Shadow Toll Road
Palma - Manacor Highway
Operational since 2006, the construction of this highway consisted of the widening of the former C-715 road between Camí Sa Síquia and Manacor to effectively double its carriageway. The project’s revenue scheme is derived from quarterly shadow tolls paid by the Grantor, based on actual light and heavy vehicle traffic, indexed annually to adjust for inflation whilst also being subject to standard penalty and bonus payments.
This highway has obtained the carbon footprint certification ISO 14064-1:2018. Improvement works have led to a significant reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Likewise, LED light sources have been installed for illumination purposes and more than 30,000 local species have been planted.