After reaching the goals set out in the 2021-2025 Strategic Plan one year in advance, we have drafted an ambitious roadmap to ensure Sacyr reaches its maximum potential in 2033. The Group’s commitment to P3 projects (mainly in English-speaking markets) will be a primary driver of growth, allowing us to triple the value of our assets in approximately a decade.
Sacyr Concesiones starts the new Strategic Plan 2024-2027 by making firm progress in Italy with a new highway contract, Via del mare, in the Veneto Region.
This period was marked by the signing of our first P3 transport contract in the United States, the Calsasieu bridge, part of the Interstate I-10. This major infrastructure development will foster safe road connections in one of the major axes between East and West coasts.
Months later, we have been awarded the Anillo Vial Periférico of Lima, one of the largest infrastructure contracts ever awarded in Peru. This beltway will significantly improve metropolitan connections benefitting over 4 million people.