Creating an integrated water cycle for the Canary Islands in Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Shared Value
Value for Society
This has become Sacyr Agua's point of reference for all future Integrated Water Cycle projects.
Value for Shareholders
Emmasa has become the most important business referents in Integral Water Cycle management in the islands.
Value for People
Offering state-of-the-art and high quality water management services to the local community.
Santa Cruz de Tenerife Council (Ayuntamiento de Santa Cruz de Tenerife)
Start/End of Operation
2006 - 2031
Remuneration Scheme
Fixed payment (service fee) + variable (consumption fee)
Emmasa Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Emmasa’s mission is to manage the integrated water cycle in the municipality of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, which includes: collection, desalination, treatment, distribution, sewage, purification and regeneration of water. We offer our clients the maximum excellence in service from an organizational, technological, administrative and operational point of view, and we are proud to contribute to the improvement in the quality of life of the citizens of Tenerife and the entire archipelago of the Canary Islands. The facility has thirteen wells drilled to a depth of 36 meters next to the coast and thirteen submersible pumps extracting water from the sea before the filtering.
Our desalination plant is a bencmark in the island due to its innovative system. To carry out the desalination process, seawater is first collected from the sea, filtered in sand filters and then it goes through a reverse osmosis process. This procedure uses an energy recovery system in which almost all the energy contained in the brine is recovered.
The infrastructure has 3 reverse osmosis racks and, for each 100 liters of water that we take from the sea, 47 are destined to the supply of drinking water. Thus, nearly a 60% of the water consumed in Santa Cruz de Tenerife comes from the desalination plant.
This P3 is currently managed by Sacyr Water.