Arlanzón Highway
Connecting Europe with Spain: meeting the challenge
Shared Value
Value for Society
This road is the backbone in terms of transportation between the capital of Spain and the rest of Europe.
Value for Shareholders
We've maximized the projected profitability of this asset thanks to optimizations in its management.
Value for People
Meeting the highest standards, this road is one of the safest and most comfortable in Europe.
Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility of Spain (Ministerio de Transportes y Movilidad Sostenible)
Start/End of Operation
2012 - 2026
Remuneration Scheme
Shadow Toll Road
Arlanzón Highway
This project consisted in the upgrading and adaptation of the old A-1 highway at Segovia and Burgos, to make it a part of the E-5 European long distance path which connects the south of Spain with France and the UK. The 146 km section meets the best quality standards, road safety and comfort of the sector. Remuneration for the concessionaire is produced through a so-called shadow toll system, in which the administration is the one in charge of paying for the service, instead of the drivers who use it.
The Arlanzon Highway represents one of the most complete snow plans of our road P3s portfolio, with which we aim to secure the roadways and ensure the drivers’ safety during the coldest months. Thus, each year over 2 million litres of brine and nearly 2,000 tons of salt are used on the road to guarantee its winter maintenance.