Pamplona-Cúcuta Highway
We help to connect the north of Colombia with the rest of the country
Shared Value
Value for Shareholders
We’re reducing travel times and saving drivers money all while taking better care of the planet.
Value for Shareholders
By improving the quality of its road infrastructure we’re helping the development of Norte de Santander.
Value for People
We support initiatives that improve the quality of life in our communities, socially and economically.
National Infrastructure Agency of Colombia (Agencia Nacional de Infraestructura)
Start/End of Operation
2024 - 2046
Remuneration Scheme
Availability Payment
Pamplona-Cúcuta highway
The Pamplona-Cúcuta dual carriageway is the most important infrastructure of Santander del Norte. With this project we are giving a solution to border mobility between Colombia and Venezuela as well as with northeastern Colombia.
The Pamplona-Cúcuta project won the Americas Transport Deal of the Year award for having achieved a financial closing of $525M, which took place amidst the Covid-19 pandemic. Moreover, it also won the award for the best Structured Financing of the Year in Latin America, granted by the firm Boans & Loans, that recognizes the quality of its finance.
In terms of innovation, the road promotes sustainable actions that foster the care of biodiversity. The initiatives include the use of local perennial and forage species –pasto kikuyo (Pennisetum clandestinum) and pasto estrella africana (Cyndon nlemfuensis)– to minimise our impact on the landscape. The planting of its horizontal stems (stolons) allows to mitigate the visual impact, improve the soil situation and recover the intervened areas.
Additionally, this project was the first one within our international portfolio that has used IOHNIC’s technology, a sustainable illumination system developed by Sacyr Concesiones that seeks to improve the visibility in the tunnels, promote the Sustainable Development Goals, implement safety measures and reduce energy consumption.