Valor para la sociedad

Landscape restoration: our proposal to protect native fauna and flora in the Route PY02

With the rehabilitation of the environmental conditions in different areas of this P3, we have created a space that preserves local biodiversity.

Sacyr Concesiones

The Route PY02 concession is one of Paraguay's main road network arteries: with a daily average traffic of around 20,000 vehicles, it transfers 60% of the country's economic activity. In addition to its logistic importance, it possesses a significant environmental value, as it is a region with a wide biodiversity and a high number of local species.

One of the most recent initiatives to foster environmental protection in the area has comprised the development of a landscape architecture in the surroundings of the Control and Operation Center, the Maintenance Hall of San José, as well as in other facilities built for the road’s control, vigilance, and upkeep. Thus, we have designed a strategy for plant enrichment and tree planting that favours the movement of specimens between the vegetation patches bordering the road, contributing to the protection of local fauna and flora. A particular focus has been placed on endangered species, such as the native honeybee jatei or hummingbirds. 

The result has been a space that promotes the care for local biodiversity and in which different factors have been enhanced, including the interaction of pollinators (30% more) and the water use (90% less). 
This proposal, complementary to the Socio-Environmental Management Plan for the Route PY02, allows us to advance in the promotion of sustainable actions and minimize our impact in nature.