Sacyr Concesiones
We know how important it is to make the users of our infrastructure feel safe. This has led us to develop innovative systems that help us manage our assets and guarantee the maximum level of safety and comfort for users. Some of these systems are as follow:
Corotrans: Measurement and calculation of the TFC
We have developed a model that can effectively predict the evolution of the Transverse Friction Coefficient (TFC) in the study phase of a project. Our team has come up with a series of innovative and alternative solutions for lab tests, that allows the integration of all the variables that influence the value of the resistance coefficient in pavement skids and its evolution into a single test.
Segtrans: Comprehensive safety at transport terminals
This research project has led to an important advancement in the different technologies and areas of knowledge that have an impact in the overall security of this type of infrastructure. Thanks to this know-how, we have been able to improve the security levels at transport terminals, as well as the safety of its users in the case of deliberate attacks inside the infrastructure.
Stopping Kamikaze vehicles
“Kamikaze drivers”, a term given to drivers who circulate in the opposite direction of traffic, are more common than we think. A “kamikaze driver” is usually the result of confusion, but in some cases this act is deliberate, all together these drivers cause an average of 139 accidents per year in Spain, of which at least 30 result in a fatality.
To make our drivers feel safe, we needed to find the right solution to his problem. We created an innovative system that alerts drivers of dangers, like “kamikaze drivers”, through notification panels along the highway. This system also informs the police of any dangerous situations which might need their assistance automatically and in a timely manner. This solution is currently being implemented at the Autovía do Barbanza and includes real time detectors of kamikaze vehicles for control center operators and video recording of the kamikaze driver.
Sacyr Smart Ways: Smart Infrastructure Management and Exploitation System
At Sacyr we have developed a comprehensive management tool that carries out the maintenance and exploitation of our infrastructure. This innovative solution is currently being implemented in the highway that connects Murcia with Caravaca de la Cruz, with the following benefits:
- Allows faster and more agile operations to the infrastructure.
- Makes incidents traceable in real time.
- Features data storage for later analysis and use.
- Simplicity in managing, accessible to any user.
- An easy adaptation to any highway concession due to the similarity in its operation.
- Fully customizable for each predetermined profile.
Caused by kamikaze drivers