Value for Shareholders

Chile, a cornerstone to success

Chile has always been special to us, this was where we have developed our first international public-private partnership adventure. Since then, we have created a virtuous circle that continues until date.

Valle del desierto

Sacyr Concesiones

Chile has always been special to us, this was where we have developed our first international public-private partnership adventure. Since then, we have created a virtuous circle that continues until date. For instance, the successful refinancing of the Vallenar-Caldera route shows that local financial institutions trust Sacyr’s experience and the favorable evolution of our business. 

This new funding of USD 106 million (EUR 89 million), signed with Banco de Chile and managed by the Valles del Desierto concession company, will go to refinance current debt and optimize the project’s repayment profile, in accordance with cash generation and concession term estimates. 

Our history in Chile started in 1996, when we won our first public-private partnership contract to build and operate the Los Vilos-La Serena highway. More than twenty years later we’ve invested nearly USD 6.5 billion in various infrastructure projects, including two airports and 15 P3 highways. One of our group’s most innovative projects, the Antofagasta Hospital, shows the excellent relationship and trust between Sacyr and the Andean country and serves over 600,000 people in the Northern part of the country.

Our plans in Chile go further and beyond. In 2020, Sacyr Concesiones Agua was commissioned to operate four integral water cycle management companies in the Antofagasta and Metropolitan regions, providing service to more than 150.000 residents, with a projected business portfolio of over USD 550 million (EUR 460 million). And very recently, we have been awarded with the Buin-Paine Hospital. We are a long-term partner of Chile and are honoured to be part of its success, every day.



Invested in projects in Chile