Value for Society

25 years of challenges met in Chile

How time flies. It was 25 years ago but it seems like it was only yesterday… In 1996, we won our first P3 contract in Chile: Los Vilos-La Serena Highway, a strategic tranche of the Pan American Highway.

Sacyr Concesiones

Then we could not anticipate that something extraordinary was about to happen! In this time, we have contributed to develop more than 20 P3 projects which comprises over 1,700 Km (including one of the most advanced urban highways in the continent), 2 airports, 2 concession hospitals and water management projects.

We have experienced an unbeatable growth since then, positioning Sacyr Concesiones as the first private infrastructure developer in the country. 
This is what we have done but what about the years to come? We have a sustainable long-term commitment to Chile, stronger than ever: passion, creativity and innovation as key drivers for our present and future together.
We have much to celebrate, Chile. 25 years of challenges met. And we feel the best is yet to come!