Value for Society

IOHNIC, a brighter future for tunnel lighting

The lighting system Sacyr implemented in the tunnels at the AP-46 highway in Málaga-Las Pedrizas, is a new and innovative lighting solution, known as IOHNIC

Sacyr Concesiones

Sacyr developed its own lighting system to help keep drivers safe, while reducing energy consumption at the same time. The lighting system Sacyr implemented in the tunnels at the AP-46 highway in Málaga-Las Pedrizas, is a new and innovative lighting solution, known as IOHNIC.
This initiative was born from a simple need: to meet stricter lighting standards by better illuminating the roadway inside tunnels. But instead of getting more illumination by simply placing more lights in between the ones that were already installed, which would have duplicated the energy consumption, we decided to develop a new system using LED technology. 
The challenge was to design a new type of lighting system that could meet the highest standards of efficiency, quality and durability, but that would also allow us to obtain a lighting consistency close to 100%, all while reducing the consumption of energy enough to make the investment worth it. 
We’re happy to say, we didn’t just meet our goals, we surpassed them with flying colors. In the following image you can compare the previous lighting with the new one, where the median illuminance is above 70% even though we reduced the energy consumption by 50%, and at night time the energetic savings surpass 65%. This was a big step towards a more sustainable lighting system, but it was also an important improvement in terms of road safety. 
 In September of 2018 the first 2.700 meters were illuminated, but currently the AP-46 highway already has over 7.000 meters of IOHNIC lighting installed, and we’re proud to say that to this day not a single lighting tube has been replaced.
With a promising future, IOHNIC is already on its way to being implemented in tunnels in various countries through the society of Infratec España. In this way, this new lighting system presents itself not only as the best alternative in the market to date, but as a signature for all the tunnels Sacyr Concesiones manages.
