I-10 Calcasieu River Bridge
We grow in the United States P3 market with a strategic road project in Louisiana
Shared Value
Value for Society
We improve local and interstate connectivity with the improvement of one of the key sections of the I-10 highway and the replacement of the Calcasieu River Bridge. It is a highly anticipated project for road users that will meet the highest standards.
Value for Shareholders
We galvanize our presence in the United States and boost our large transportation infrastructures portfolio. This is our second P3 in this country and one of our major projects by investment volume and business portfolio.
Value for People
A long-term solution that will reduce travel times and improve safety for more than 90,000 vehicles daily. The project will invigorate/incentivize the local economy and become a growth driver for future generations.
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development
2024 - 2031 (Construction) / 2031-2081 (Operation)
Remuneration Scheme
Demand Risk
I-10 Calcasieu River Bridge
The Interstate 10 (I-10) P3 in Louisiana is a major road project that will substantially improve the connectivity between the cities of Lake Charles and West Lake, located in the southwest of the state, in the vicinity of the Texan border.
Together with Acciona and Plenary Americas, as Calcasieu Bridge Parners (CBP), Sacyr Concesiones will lead the design, construction, finance, operation, and maintenance of a highway’s section of approximately 9 kilometers for 50 years. Its financing method has been already recognized in the Public-Private Partnership Financing cathegory of The Bond Buyer's Deal of the Year awards in 2024.
The widening of the I-10 comprises the construction of a six-lane corridor and the implementation of a free flow toll, as well as various structures, ramps and approaches to the bridge. The toll taxes are linked to inflation and the State of Louisiana will receive 15% of dividends once the asset is open to traffic.
What’s more, the project includes the construction of a new bridge on the Calcasieu River to replace the current one, which is more than 70 years old. The construction of the bridge will be developed by a 50% joint venture between Sacyr and Acciona. Construction works are expected to begin in 2026 and the operation in 2031.
With this project, one of the largest contract awards of 2023 in North America, Sacyr consolidates its position as a key player among the top international infrastructure developers. We will modernize a central connection between the coasts of Florida and California, accommodating the increasing traffic volume and safety and providing service to more than 90,000 vehicles per day in 2040.