Value for People

We lead an innovative project to improve hospital management

The initiative ‘Hospital Cognitivo’ (Cognitive Hospital) file number: 59/178676.9/23 will develop an intelligent platform to optimize the healthcare facilities’ constructive processes and maintenance.

Sacyr Concesiones

Innovation is an inherent part of our hospital projects. From our proposal for seismic protection in the Antofagasta Hospital (Chile) to our energy-efficient system in Braga Hospital (Portugal), our healthcare infrastructures combine state-of-the-art technology with the care for people and the planet.

With the aim to strengthen our commitment to healthcare and innovation, Sacyr is leading the ‘Hospital Cognitivo’ (Cognitive Hospital) project, in which eight companies from different areas of technological expertise are participating.

Approved by the Community of Madrid in the call for Innovation Hubs, ‘Hospital Cognitivo’ (Cognitive Hospital) is based on the development of an intelligent platform built with innovative technology, including artificial intelligence (AI), Big Data and advanced algorithms. 

Its implementation will enhance the hospitals’ integrated management in terms of design, construction, operation, and maintenance, while promoting a greater energy efficiency, a reduction of the environmental footprint and a better air quality in the infrastructures. All of this will result in more functional and sustainable assets, as well as in a better quality of care for patients and facilities’ users.

The project will be implemented in our Henares Hospital P3 (Madrid, Spain). Find out more details here